Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Basically, in my first post here, I'm pointing out that Nintendo has officially revealed their new portable system, the Nintendo 3DS. 3d top screen, touch panel bottom screen, 3d picture capability, the possibility of 3d movies for the new system! (they were hinting pretty hard during the press conference)

Also presented by Nintendo, a new Mario sports game, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Kid Icarus: Uprising, a new Kirby game for the Wii, Metroid: Another M... and possible partnerships with just about every third party game developer that I recognized.

We're talking EA sports, Activision, Square Enix, Capcom, and.. oh geez... um, the makers of Resident Evil, and many many more. I wish I could remember all of the 3rd party developers they showed in the Press Conference.

Currently, Nintendo.com has a streaming broadcast of interviews through their website; Satoru Iwata is talking to the developer of the new Nintendogs and Cats game for the 3DS.

Said System has an updated version of the Mingle feature that TWEWY used, called the Tag feature. It can update game features through the internet while in sleep mode, dual cameras in the back to take 3d pictures, an analog pad/stick along with the d-pad, and did I mention the 3d can be adjusted so that the users eyes aren't strained?


  1. Nice! Really Cool. ^__^

    Glad this was interesting. I was disappointed by Microsoft's yesterday. :P

  2. Eh, I'm only a Nintendo Fangirl, so this was the only announcement I paid attention to. Tried to watch Sony's a little later, but... it was really boring. Bleck. I gave up on it a little while in, while they were still showcasing their new motion-sensing controller.


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